

Hi, this is Damien. I am very interested in earning real money from the Internet. The intention of this blog is to share with all what I have learnt and experience so far.

For those interested, I would add news, tips and articles which I wrote or found interesting here.

For any one who is really interested in becoming an Internet Marketer or trying to earn extra money from working home, I urge you to check out the Wealthy Affiliates programme which is one of the best in the market.

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Friday, August 31, 2007

RE: Key Points For Closing A Deal For Internet Marketers

The hardest part of any deal is closing the deal. An Internet Marketer can have the most amazing headline and the greatest sales pitch of a product described in the best email ever written, but if the customer does not know what to do at the end of the email, he would have wasted his time and efforts.

Hence an Internet Marketer must be able to get the prospective customers to take affirmative actions in resulting in a sale and therefore generating revenue for the Marketer.
There are several points which can turn a reader or browser into a customer

Stand out
One want to be 100% sure that the reader does not miss the call to action. Hence the call to action part must absolutely stand out from rest of the page. Ways to do so could be through changing the font color, font size, use of underline or bold. But the main key is that is must be seen and acted upon!

Be Clear & Precise
A marketing pitch in principle should be clear and precise in short paragraphs, punchy phrases or bullet points where benefits or potential gains are spelled out. Bear in mind that potential customers tend to scan rather then read. The easier the pitch is to read, the higher the chance they would purchase.

The selection of words are crucial as a right selection can persuade a potential customer to take action. The pitch or call to action should include simple, but real action packed verbs. For example, "Click Here" or "Press Submit". The more clear and precise the verb, the more the ease for the customer to take affirmative action.

Play it straight
The key is to get the customer to do what the Internet Marketer wants. If it is a link to be checked for the order form, make sure the link works and the order form is set up properly. Never give the customers an opportunity to change their minds. Keep in mind even the best pitch only works for a limited time.

Create a sense of urgency
Usually most people would like to put off a money making decision for as long as possible. Simply put, if it is an email they read and no action is taken at the end of the email, then mostly likely no action would be taken in the future. Therefore, a wise Internet Marketer should create a sense of urgency in which if the customers do not buy, click or purchase, they are missing out on a great opportunity. Some examples are, "Available for limited time period" and "Free gifts given with purchase now"

Author's Note: Any affirmative action would also depend on what product are being marketed, the tactics for selling or marketing a car would be different from selling of cakes. But the gist of the key points are above.

Hopefully these points are helpful to any interested Internet Marketer.

With Wealthy Affiliates , one can pick up the tools for being a successful internet marketer.

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